I grew up in a bilingual and bicultural Swedish and English household in London, England, so my passion for languages started at an early age. I fell in love with the French language at school, and moved to France after graduating from the University of East Anglia in 2002, I have lived in France ever since.
Translating requires more than just language skills and cultural awareness, to provide the best possible translations it is necessary to speak the same language as the professionals in the industry you are translating for. I specialise in translating documents for media campaigns and corporate communication, which was a natural choice as I worked in the media industry for several years before qualifying as a translator. I also specialise in sustainable development and the environment, chosen in part because of a life-long interest in the subject, but also as a result of my experience translating for this sector. Finally, I enjoy translating texts relating to two of my passions, winter sports (skiing in particular) and baking, and have acquired a high-level of expertise in these subjects through CPD and personal experience.
I am committed to continuing professional development, and as well as ensuring that I find opportunities to read, speak and write my three working languages every day, I am always on the lookout for courses and events to further my knowledge of my areas of specialisation.